I don't know if any of you have read Jane Jacobs, "The Death and Life of Great American Cities", but if not... you should. "On cities specifically, Jacobs was an early and prescient voice warning that what was being billed as urban renewal--big housing projects, highway building, creation of business districts, etc.--was actually destroying neighborhoods and creating more problems than it was solving."
I know that doesn't sound like the most uplifting of reads, but specifically I was interested in the concepts that made neighborhoods, such as our Mission District thrive. One of her main points of Jacobs was how the role of knowing your neighbor added safety and comfort to your life. Even if you don't know them by name, your barista, your neighbor, or the homeless guy know you. They notice you on your walk to work, on the BART, or while shopping for groceries.
Fayes has always been a very neighborhood-centric business. You can come for coffee, movies, or conversation. We seem to be the gathering spot for many of the neighborhood contributors. I decided why not use the blog to further the neighborhood connections by spotlighting some of the amazing projects of our customers and neighbors.
So here is one that happens almost directly in our own backyard, Little City Gardens .
We can see the garden from our back window and have even given them our old coffee grounds for compost.
I came across this article about them on Sfgate. Please help them to continue with their amazing efforts... Only 3 days left!!!!
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